Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Unwind & Relax

With endless to-do lists & the hectic thing called life I tend to forget to stop, unwind & relax a bit. Weekends go by too quickly, especially when you're always determined to get everything done before the work week begins. Lately, I've been trying to take time to do the things that I enjoy.

One of my most favorite things to do to is to sit down with an iced cold coffee & just relax; especially after a long day at work or a long weekend of checking off items on my to-do list. I truly cannot wait to be able to do this on our patio once the cooler weather rolls through Florida (wishful thinking).
Something I never thought that I would enjoy is yard work. As much as I truly don't enjoy the pesky little bugs & dirt, there is something rewarding about picking out flowers & transforming our yard into something beautiful. It is such a good feeling as a homeowner & something I feel like I always look forward to doing. It takes my mind away from everything that needs to be done on the inside of our house. 
Painting is also something that over time I have grown to love. It is more of just doodling around with a paintbrush but either way it is so relaxing for me. And also makes for pretty art around our house.
The beach is probably my ultimate favorite way to relax & unwind. Truly, no matter how hot it is outside, I love the feeling of the sandy, sea breeze on my face. And to just lay on my beach chair with the sound of the crashing waves... there is no better sound or feeling!

So what are your favorite ways to take time out from this crazy thing we call life? 

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